26 juli 2011

English, please...

I will take this in english to let the person it is about to understand. My english is so-so, but take it for what it is...

You. You are amazing right now. My feelings for you gets stronger and stronger for every minute we spend together. I havn't known you for a long time, but I think I opened up for you as if i known you for months, years.. The good thing about it is that I really feel like you listen, care and understand. I havn't met anyone like that in YEARS. With you everything is so easy and I'm myself, 100%. No pretending, no thinking about saying the wrong things. I just am who I am and feel like it's really ok. Even good :) And I really like the way you see the world, the things you think is important and the way you treat ME. I feel safe around you.

I'm still fighting with my inner thoughts about that everyone is leaving me in the end, as I'm used to. I've been around this before, felt like things are really good and then Crash Boom Bang it just smashes me in my face with a "I don't know what I want" or I found out stuff I don't wanna know. Im always afraid to be second choice. And I'm afraid to be that TOO nice one again, that takes too much shit and just think it's not about me and in the end it was about me and there I am, alone again.

I wanna trust people and I do my best, every day, really. But some days it will maybe shine through and I will act a little weird. And if you have to experience one of these days, I say "sorry" now. I really wanna be with you, that's it.

I believe in myself. But sometimes I don't believe that other people believs in me... That's my problem.

Please believe in me. Believe in us.


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