18 februari 2013


Been busy with work and also with NOT working (meaning = no computer time if I'm not in the office). I have a lot to do at work as it's coming 15 (!!!!) students and volunteers in April. A LOT of planning to do! But it's a challenge and I like it.

Anyway, it's all good. Life is treating me well now. Might be like I have some kind of boyfriend? Whaaaaah, it sounds weird. But also good. I try not to put too much in to it. Just take it for what it is.  I still have problems to trust. It's more about believe that ANYONE is with me and only me, and that other girls aren't more interesting, or that He's not getting bored with me. Afraid of getting left alone. I just don't trust that I'm good enough I guess, which sucks. But I'm working on it. I blame a lot of assholes and my over analyzing brain! :) It's just some small stuff that I see and hear sometimes that gets me to worry, but I'm kinda sure it's nothing. I'm just so damn paranoid sometimes.

Johanna is coming here in March, that's exciting. First of my friends that's coming to visit. Can't wait!

Back to work. Just wanted to update you a little bit...

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