14 augusti 2008

blir förvirrad

vet inte vad jag ska tro. socialarbetaren säger en sak. Bernhard som är 17 och bor tillsammans med pojkarna säger en annan. Här är min mail-konversation med Bernhard (ursäkte min kassa engelska). Vill patricia ge en förskönad bild till oss eller överdriver Bernhard? han kanske har förstått fel?

how are you!? Hope you are ok and school is going your way.

I miss you all so much. think about you every day!

Irina told me about Ashley, Eben and Rushan and it breakes my heart. I really hope they are allright. they are SO young! They are not at margarets house anymore?

so, how is school? and how is SA? is it cold now?

will write you longer another day and send som pictures!



Hey how is your self? I'm very well thank you.

Oh it is sad, what Irina told you is true, and they are no longer in M,house.
Okay that's sound crazy.
And I really do not know if they are okay or not, but I know that Klaaster is in jail I don't think that he is fine, the others they are with their parent.

For me I'm going well with my school, and even everything is fine with me nothing is wrong.

No you don't have to wright long story if you can't, even I don't like writing longer no, short story it is enough to understand.

Irina remained me that day we to watch soccer at Athlone it was so funnnnnnnyyyyyy I lough to my self.

In SA the weather is get much better we going out of winter in 3 weeks time.
Than how is life in there.


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