22 januari 2013

Just like that.

YOU! you you you. 

This is scary as hell. Im trying to be normal. Or no. I'm not "normal" and will never be. I just try to stay sane. Be me. And it seems to work? I hope so.

But Shiiiiiit it's scary folks. I have no idea how to do this thing. I'm not used to things that isn't dysfunctional... How bad is that!? I'm used to be half of me, or look out for cheating stuff, or be prepared to be turned down, or to be ignored as soon as the friends are around, or to be one out of a lot more girls than just me, or to beg to not leave me (sad but true story). Yeah most of all, I'm used to be ME but never the whole of me. Finally someone can take me for the weird Tania I am. So I just do it my way..

I am also used to get bored. Or finding wrongs and a big No. I am used to run away because of silly stuff just to not get that close so it actually would hurt later. I am used to be nice but hard. Never get anyone too close and never make anything special. I am used to have a back up plan in my head. I am used to not just have one person in my head. As bad it sounds, it's true. I am used to not be like this!

Please just don't let me down and make me put you in that box with the other "dudes"...
I don't think that's gonna happen tho.. But I will say please anyway.

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