13 februari 2013

Almost mugged

I was in Observatory, wich is a kinda safe neighbourhood. I was just walking from the shop to the car. The car was parked one road behind Lwr Main Road. Lwr Main is the road where all the pubs and restaurants are. I've been walking there, alone, so many times before. When I came to the car, I opened, and put my bag on the other seat. I sat down and was just gonna close the door when I realized I had someone in my face.

This guy, probably around 25 years old, is saying "give me your phone or I shoot you". He said it in such a weird way so I didn't take it seriously. For one second I thought "do I know this guy? Is he making fun of me?" I am so bad with names and people here and always forget who I met or not.. But when I was kind of laughing he went a little more serious and said "Give me the phone ot I'm FUCKING shooting you".  Then I understood he was serious. You guys know I lost a lot of phones and I really didn't want that to happen again, so I said "I don't have a phone man.." He didn't believe me :) So He says again "give me your phone!!!!" and then he kind of lent over me a bit to see if he could see the phone. (it was hidden under my wallet somehow, next to my seat). I start to tell him I can give him money... In the same moment I realize ha doesn't have a gun, he is just holding a small stick in his hand. So, I got out of the car, pushed him away and screamed. He walked away and I shouted "Fuck you, Fuck off" And he said "you are stupid..." I just said back "no YOU are the stupid one man" His reply was "You.... I will find you". Then he was gone.

I sat down in the car. Shaking. Was thinking of going to Trenshtown and have a drink, where I know Jake was. But he was on a date so, no, didn't want to do that.. I just took the car, drove to the closest gas station, bought cigarettes and talked to some taxi drivers about what happened to me. (love this country, where you can talk to stranger without beeing a freak)

I don't know why I reacted like this. But I knew I was in a place where it's always people around so there were no way he could get away with it, IF he tried to hurt me. And the fact that he didn't have a gun, just some weird wood stick made me feel "safer" too. And I REALLY didn't want to get my phone stolen. Have no time or money for that. I just got pissed of actually, haha, croatian temper..

Well, I'm fine now. And will know next time to look over my shoulder, even in Obs when I walk alone.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Tania, sorry to hear that! I don't agree that Obs is a safe place. Lots of weirdos. 2 weeks ago I walked in the same area with a group of friends and somebody walked behind me trying to open my handbag I was carrying over my shoulder. Fortunately somebody from my group realized that and chased him.

  2. It depends of what part of obs, central obs, close to lwr main is normally ok. Or, as the rest of Cape Town :) You should ALWAYS look over your shoulder tho, but I forget that sometimes.. Obs is much safer that areas around, like salt river, woodstock and so on.... Pickpockets and people stealing handbags exist all over this town... even in camps bay lol

  3. Tycker du gjorde helt rätt, du har ju varit i liknande situationer tidigare, tror du vet när det funkar att göra såhär! Men ta HAND om dig <3
