5 mars 2013

Good Times

A LOT to do at work right now. But it's cool. I have to do it so I do have time to spend with Johanna and Oscar that are coming here this thursday! Exciting! Johanna is my first friend that is coming to visit me here, will be great to show her this amazing city.

In march 2010 I wrote this on my blog:

I miss South Africa today. I miss the warmth of the people. I miss the feeling that every day mattered when I was there. I miss being there and to not wake up without anxiety every day. I hate all the empty feelings inside me and to feel that I'm in the wrong place. I do not feel that good here, as I do there. I'm not supposed to be here, I know that. One day...

It's kind of amazing. Since I was here the first time in 2008 I just knew, I knew this is where I wanna be. I will be honest, it's some days here when I miss Sweden as hell and question myself and what I'm doing here. But I can just go back and read my blog from the last 4 (!) years and realize that I followed my dreams, my goals and I AM where I wanna be. Of course I will miss Sweden and family and friends and stuff like that. But not as much as I miss Cape Town when I'm back in Sweden.


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