29 maj 2017

Oh, I was at a wedding!

My friend and also my African Sunrise - partner CJ got married a month ago, and I think it was the most perfect wedding I have been at. I have not been to many, but still, it was SO great, in so many ways. And Cj:s dress, geeez, beautiful.

And hey, I got to be a girly girl for a day. It was great. Maybe again in a year or a few. Who knows :)

26 maj 2017

New Routines

Erika is staying with me these last 2 months I am around. It's great, we get so much more time to spend together now, before I am leaving for 3 months.

Having him around has helped me starting some better routines. I go sleep earlier, I wake up earlier and we have started to work out a bit in the mornings. It's just 30-45 minutes but it is something! I have not exercised at all for probably 2 years. This is really something I need. And I really hope I will continue in Sweden, even if I have to find a way to motivate myself, which is my biggest issue. I always find excuses. I will really try this time!

About routines. The 2 cats that stay with me in this house; Stella and Monkey. I will miss them. Stella waits outside my room every morning, then run after me to the bathroom and then again back into my rum and jumps up at my bed and wants a cuddle. Too cute!

24 maj 2017

28 days

Again, time. you FLY! 28 days left, really?!

It's getting colder here, but winter has been taking its time to get here indeed, and I am not sad about it. Winter... well... it's like autumn in Sweden. But the thing I never get used to is the cold inside of houses. At the moment it is about 20 degrees outside during the days, but I am sure it is like 15 degrees inside, COLD for me. I am used to 20 minus but then to get inside where it is at least 25 degrees all year around.

Anyway, talking about the weather, really?

What can I say, life is a roller coaster indeed. Feels like so much happened the last 6 months that I am not sure what to focus on if someone asked me what I have been up to.

Work is fun. Lot's of things to do, but in a good way. I am so impressed about what we created in just a year. It is actually really cool! I have become some kind of logistics pro, without even realising it. And I actually really like it. Who is coming when, where will she stay, where can she work, does she needs something special, will she come on Garden Route, should I put her on the list, what do I do if she cancel last minute, How many people are coming next year and where can I put them, how do we get them to their project and who will take them when? Etc etc!
Check out our website www.africansunrisevolunteers.co.za  , it will be updated soon to even better!

Anyway, just a simple update about my not too exciting life :)

See you soon Sweden.