31 maj 2013

3 days left in Cape Town.

Last day at office. Feels unreal, cause it just feels like any day. Been here 9 months. Gonna be away for 3. But it's gonna be great to come to Sweden too, I feel that now. The best part is probably that it's getting to summer that side, can't complain about that when it's just raining and raining here right now.

I will miss a lot of people. Peter, Que, Mumz, Jamie, Kate, Karina, Anna&Felicia(but we might see each other in Sweden), Wesley, Amira, Moses, Ruschka. And everyone else. I made some really great friends here. But yeah, I will be back and I hope they wont forget me in 3 months :)

I will also come home and see Dina, Matilda, Johanna, Malin, Jessica, Madde, Sandra, mum, dad, sisters and brothers, so I shouldn't complain at all.

This last weekend in Cape Town gonna have to be awesome!

Got some really nice words from a woman I've been working with a bit; 
Hey Tania, trust you good and so am I.Just want to say go well and all the best back home till you come back again to the Mother City.You gonna be missed a lot, by everyone you've crossed paths with and thank you for making difference in all the projects/children you've working with . Cheers, till we meet again * *

27 maj 2013

Oh. My. God.

Ok. How can Pharrell Williams be 40 years old? Probably the hottest man on this planet, just saying. And this new song from Daft Punk ft. Pharrell is just awesome! I wanna dance, forever.

1 week.

Some of the crazy comedians that I had the luck to get to know this time in SA. GREAT people that I'm gonna miss! 
Ok, I never been like this about leaving. For the first time I feel like I'm leaving home and going somewhere to visit and I feel damn nervous about it. Normally I left Sweden to go here and then I'm just happy about it. This is something else. I can't explain how I feel. I don't know how I feel! I don't wanna complain. It's not about that. I just feel so damn confused.

By the way. I went to home affairs on friday. I got my visa. I didn't read that exactly at first. When I took a second look I just realised is said 22-04-2016! So, I can come and go as much as I want to, until april 2016! That's so awesome. I'm really getting my dream. The dream I had since 2009. Dreams can come true. Just saying..

And these girls. Gonna miss them so much. StreetWise Sports is one of the best projects I've ever worked at in
Cape Town

24 maj 2013

About racism.

This has to be in Swedish. It's just too much for me to write in english. Politics.

Ok. Några citat som kan vara viktiga att fundera över i dagarna i samband med kravallerna i Stockholm:

"Kanske är det fråga om grumligt och primitivt hat mot samhället — men det kan också vara en medveten strävan att sätta det svenska samhället i en aldrig så liten gungning. I vilket fall som helst kan kravallerna användas som vapen i kampen mot demokratin.
Därför är det angeläget, att uppviglarna avslöjas och oskadliggöres.
Men de andra, då, de tusentals ungdomarna, som lät sig ledas av dessa skum
ma typer? Blir det inte svårare att locka dem till upplopp en gång till, om de får flera lokaler, där de kan fördriva tiden? — — —
Nej, vantrivseln beror inte på bristande lokaler. Det är rättare att säga, att den beror på bristande disciplin och föräldraansvar. Skäll inte på ungdomen för det. Skäll på föräldrarna och skäll på samhället, som har låtit sin ungdom växa vilt, som har skapat den en miljö, där den inte trivs. Inte för att där finns för små danslokaler och för få pingpongbord, utan för att världen är rastlös och febersjuk. Det spirar inga gossar och flickor med solsken i blick ur en sådan mylla.
Framför allt inte när ungdomen som nu lämnas åt sig själv. Polisbatonger är inte lösningen. Danssalonger inte heller. Nej, det är ljus, värme och trygghet. Det är goda hem och riktiga föräldrar"

- Rune Moberg om kravallerna på Söder i Stockholm 1948.

För er som inte läst SD:s största punkter läs här och säg mig sedan om man kan rösta på SD och INTE vara rasist:


Sverige ska inom EU stödja förslagen "Safe haven", dvs asylmottagning i områden intill EU:s utkanter 


Intill dess att ett system med "Safe haven" blivit konsekvent genomfört bör Sverige säga upp sin anslutning till New-York-protokollet från 1967. Detta skulle innebära en återgång till Genèvekonventionens ursprungliga åtagande, nämligen att ta emot flyktingar från övriga Europa.


Asylansökan i Sverige skall göras vid gränsen i samband med inpasserandet - eljest ingen handläggning och prövning.


Fullgod presentation av identitet - eljest ingen handläggning och prövning av asylansökan.


Obligatoriska fingeravtryck och DNA-tester av dem som söker uppehållstillstånd.


Obligatoriska tester gällande hiv samt tuberkulos och andra epidemiska farsoter vid ansökan om uppehållstillstånd i Sverige.


Asylsökande som begår brott - även av mindre grov art - ska omedelbart utvisas utan vidare prövning av ansökan.


Tillfälliga uppehållstillstånd (TUT) ska vara regel. Inte permanenta (PUT).


Omedelbart verkställande av avvisnings- och utvisningsbeslut.


Stopp för föräldrars möjligheter att driva barn till apati för att utverka PUT. Sådant skall inte belönas (fotnot 3).


Avskaffa möjligheten att lämna in ny ansökan (NUT) efter lagakraftvunnet avvisningsbeslut.


"Danska regler" för familjesammanföringar, 24-års- och anknytningsregler, egen bostad, stabil ekonomi, etc. Detta är viktigt för att förhindra tvångsäktenskap.


Ingen svenskundervisning före uppehållstillstånd.


Ingen valfri bosättning för asylsökanden.


Inga kontanta bidrag för asylsökanden, enbart mat och husrum.


Inget tillstånd för reguljärt arbete före uppehållstillstånd. Däremot skyldighet till motprestation för uppehållskostnaderna.


Restriktivitet i beviljande av svenskt medborgarskap.


Upphävande av medborgarskap och uppehållstillstånd vid grov brottslighet.


Utvisning av utländska medborgare vid upprepad brottslighet.


Upphävande av uppehållstillstånd då det visat sig att "flyktingen" kunnat besöka det land varifrån han/hon flytt.


Repatriering av utlänningar som underordnar svensk lagstiftning och myndighetsbeslut islamska påbud och traditioner.


Effektivare utlänningskontroll inne i landet.


Skärpt gränskontroll, bötesföreläggande för transportbolag som inte iakttar visumskyldigheten.


Större restriktivitet i beviljande av nytt svenskt pass åt den som förlorat ett tidigare utfärdat dokument.


Förbud mot burka/nikab på allmän plats.


Inga fler moskéer på svensk mark.


Särskilt stöd åt elever med invandrarbakgrund ska villkoras. Också föräldrarna måste då visa ett aktivt engagemang i ett inhämta svenska språket.


Ingen reguljär undervisning på arabiska eller andra invandrarspråk i skolan.


Förbud att sända barn till koranskolor i hemländerna för att "avsvenskas".


Sanktioner mot föräldrar till minderåriga återfallsförbrytare (fotnot 6).


Ingen särbehandling av individer och grupper på grundval av etnicitet.


Med undantag av den primära informationen till asylsökande ska myndigheternas information och handlingar endast tillhandahållas på svenska.


Riv upp lagen som innebär omvänd bevisföring och som renderar arbetsgivare dryga böter på grund av påstådd "diskriminering av invandrare". 

Åkesson om punkt 7:"Snattar en 15-åring ska hela familjen utvisas." Åkesson om punkt 12: "Invandrare ska inte få gifta sig förrän de fyllt 24 år." Åkesson om punkt 16: "De måste arbeta för mat och husrum. De kan väl städa på flyktingförläggningen." Åkesson om punkt 21: "Utlänningar ska utvisas om de kritiserar Sverige." Åkesson om punkt 25:"Burka är en politisk uniform för islamism och ska förbjudas."

22 maj 2013

Stockholm is burning

Well, who is surprised about what's going on in Stockholms suburbs right now? Not me. It was just a question of time before something like this was gonna happen. The richer is getting richer and the poor are getting more and more poor. People get frustrated, angry, sad and young people feel helpless. I don't say this is the right way, but I'm not surprised at all.


Waking up from you getting in the bed next to me and then crawl up and fall asleep on your chest. I'm gonna miss that. 

20 maj 2013

Home is where your heart is.

Gosh. Time flies. For sure. I can't believe it's only 2 weeks left here. 9 months done. Just like that.  I will have so many great memories from this time here. I wouldn't even know where to start if someone asked me to tell them about these 9 months. The festivals? All the stand up? Peter? Crazy nights out? All the volunteers that have been here? All the friends I made? The amazing food? Sunny days at the beach? The time my father was here? Or when Johanna visited?

I can go on and on and on.. It's been so fucking lovely and this is my home.

16 maj 2013

One year ago.

eeeeh... One year ago. What happened? Miss that body of mine! lol
But on the inside I'm so much more happier so I guess it's ok.

Hotness of the day

Shannyn Sossammon is still the most beautiful woman I know. DAMN!

15 maj 2013


Things that the old me would write here will stay in my head. It's not for public. It's too good to share with everyone! That's how much it means to me.

You know what? I feel the same.

13 maj 2013

3 weeks left.

Ok, it already started. My head is messed up because I'm leaving soon. Tonight I dreamt so much about it. Woke up. Couldn't sleep again. It's not that I don't wanna go. But 3 months feels so damn long. I know time will run fast, but I guess I'm scared things are gonna be changed here when I'm back. But I just have to take it for what it is! Can't help it anyway. Go with the flow. Gonna make the best of my last 3 weeks here. That's for sure!

Went to cape Point yesterday again. Took 4 of our volunteers/Interns. That drive is just amazing. Chapman's Peak must be the most beautiful drive in the world. At least top 3. This place is really something special. And I'm not just saying that. I met people that been around the world that say this, that say they always wanna come back here, that this town is something special. It's hard to explain in words. You have to see it yourself. SO COME WITH ME!? Anyone back home who wanna come visit, just come!

Anyway, monday, back to work. A lot to do before I leave.
Chapman's Peak

Cape Point

10 maj 2013


Swedish - English - Xhosa - Afrikaans
Mix it and you get awsome music!

9 maj 2013

John Philmon

Five years ago, when I was in South Africa for my first time, I met John. He has been working with street kids in town for over 10 years now.. He was running a soup kitchen in Cape Town when I met him and he also worked in a township. Since then I've been working with him, helping him and got to know him. He is one of the people I trust the most here. He is doing this with all of his heart and he is doing it great! He will always be one of the greatest men I know and I know I will know him for life.

Last night we had a braai at the shelter he is running for young homeless guys in Cape Town, and it was amazing. The guys were so happy and appreciating.
This is why I can't leave this place...

8 maj 2013

One more year

So, went to Home Affairs today, my papers were not there yet but they could tell me that YES I got my one year volunteer visa approved. So, one more year lost in the world! This wonderful world. Hopefully I get to save up some money when I'm back in Sweden. I REALLY wanna go to Tanzania and Kenya. We will see. Anyway, I'm quite sure there will be a long time before I live in Sweden again..

No more snow in my life until 2014... or later...

6 maj 2013

Oh hello!

I've been lazy for a few days. I should write stuff, but I'm just tired. All the time. What the hell!? I have no idea why. Last night I slept a lot, and the whole sunday I was in bed. I should not be tired. Or am I tired because of that? Too much rest? Is there anything like that? I just know that it's 1.30 pm and all I can think about is my bed. How lame isn't that!? I would love to go to the beach, it's nice weather, but yeah, I have something called work :)

Anyway. It's been a great weekend. Lots of fun. Great comedy show friday. Peter and his friends are really talented. I wasn't really in to stand up in Sweden. The scene is too small (or too big?) I think. It's hard to find smaller gigs, often. It's more like you pay a lot to go and see the big comedians. You know what you pay for. Here it's so many smaller and cheaper shows all the time, several times a week. It's nice! Sometimes it's really great, sometimes a little less great.. But that's the charm about it. And people are funny here! That's for sure.

Saturday. Weird night. met Fizzo. He is in South Africa to have some concerts. Met him out in a club, sat and talk with him for some hours. It was nice. Nice to see that the past is the past and that he changed, and so have I. I left at 2 am to go and meet Peter. And yeah, I must also say... Peter might be a big reason that Fizzo wasn't really interesting anymore. Compared with Peter he doesn't have a lot to offer, more than a pretty face (and Peter has that part too lol) :) No hard feelings tho, it's just that he is nothing that I want anymore. Whatever he did to me, I don't feel any anger anymore and that's great to know! I will see if I go for his concert the 25th. Better just to stay away? I'm not sure :)

Well. I'm gonna go home soon. Sleep. Then go and shop for the dinner I'm making tomorrow. Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes and brown sauce.... Will see if I find the jam..